Privacy Policy

To begin with us, there is a need to reiterate that Trendy Chapter ensures that the privacy of the users remains protected. This privacy policy sheds light on the information that we accumulate from you when you visit our website operated from (the “Website”) and also describes how we use this information and your options when it comes to your information.

Information We Collect

collect two main types of information on our Website:

  • Non-Personal Information: These details do not enable tracing back to you. It could comprise data such as your browsing activity on the Website which can include visits to pages, clicks on the links, and searches conducted. We gather this type of data by the help of cookies and other tracking tools.
  • Personal Information: All of this sort of data points to the fact that you are you. We collect personal details that you freely provide when you choose to engage with particular applications, such as subscribing to our newsletter, filling out a form, etc. This data could potentially comprise such details as your name, email address, and whatever you fill on the form.

Use of Information

We use the information we collect for various purposes, including:

  • To improve the Website and our services: For business development purposes, we engage with non-private information to get a better idea of how users move around our website, what content piques their interest, and to identify areas that need reform. It enables us to enrich your visit and the Website becomes more and more user-oriented as soon as people start to use it.
  • To personalize your experience: We might emphasize, your browsing, history to stratify the contents and recommendations on the Website, available to you.
  • To send you marketing and promotional communications: Only with your consent, we will be using the email and sending it to you newsletters, updates about new content, and other promotional offers. You may unsubscribe from these mailings as soon as you want.
  • To send you marketing and promotional communications: If you give us your consent, we may use your email address to send you our newsletter, and also with more tailored content we publish and other promotional offers. You can unsubscribe from these online, electronic communications at any moment you wish.
  • To respond to your inquiries and requests: We will only use your voluntarily provided personal information for communication regarding questions and requests you submitted.
  • We analyze how you use the Website to determine trends and user behaviors, enabling us to improve the performance of the Website and the quality of its content by analyzing the sources of the non-personal information used.


Sharing of information:

We will not sell/give your information to affiliate third-party service providers.

We will provide your information to legal bodies when required by law or when we believe in good faith that it is necessary to protect our rights, the rights of Trendy Chapter or others, or to comply with a warrant, subpoena, or another legal process served by the courts.

Your Choices

You have several choices regarding your information:

  • Cookies: A browser provides you with the ability to control or refuse cookies by altering its settings. However, taking the time to change your cookies settings may curtail certain features of this website.
  • Email Communications: By clicking on the relevant link included in any marketing or promotional communications, you will be able to opt out from receiving them in the future.
  • Accessing and Updating Information: Feel free to land a message to get the personal information we possess and ask us to upgrade or delete that information.

Data Security

We take appropriate measures to keep your data physically and electronically safe from loss, misappropriation, wrongful use, disclosure, modification, or destruction. Even so, no internet connection or offline storage is infallible, and thus we cannot guarantee absolute security of information.

Children’s Privacy

To summarize, our website has not been developed for children who are below the age of 13. We will not seek children under the age of 13 and do not knowingly collect personal data from children. We worry that you are a parent or guardian and if you think your minor child is required to give us our personal information, kindly contact us. As we will clear out our systems of such information.

Updating this Privacy Policy statement:

We might also get our Privacy Policy updated. We shall always keep you informed in case we revise the policy by featuring the updated text on the Website. The Privacy Policy review is recommended to you and please pay attention that this policy is subject to change from time to time.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please reach us at our email: