Close-up of Arabica coffee beans, known for their smooth and balanced taste.

Types of Coffee Beans

Cafe Cubano (Cuban Espresso)

Cafe Cubano holds a special place in Cuban culture, embodying the essence of boldness and sweetness in every sip. Here’s a closer look at what makes this iconic beverage so beloved:

Preparation Process:

 A cup of Cafe Cubano, a strong Cuban coffee made with espresso and caramelized sugar.
Cafe Cubano: Cuban espresso’s sweet side. ☕️ (coffee + strong)

Cafe Cubano is crafted using a traditional espresso machine. Finely ground dark roast coffee beans are tightly packed into a portafilter. Hot water is then forced through the coffee grounds under high pressure, extracting the intense flavors and oils. What sets Cafe Cubano apart is the addition of sugar during the brewing process. A small amount of sugar is mixed with the first few drops of espresso, creating a sweet and syrupy layer at the bottom of the cup.

Flavor Profile:

The result is a potent and slightly sweet coffee drink with a rich, velvety texture. Cafe Cubano boasts a bold flavor profile with hints of caramel and chocolate, complemented by the natural sweetness of the sugar. The crema, or foam, that forms on top of the espresso adds a creamy richness to the overall experience, enhancing its depth of flavor.

Cultural Significance:

Cafe Cubano is more than just a beverage—it’s a cultural institution in Cuba. It transcends its purpose as an energy and comfort source, enjoyed throughout the day at home, in cafes, or on the go. Drinking becomes a deeply ingrained ritual in Cuban daily life, fostering social connections and offering moments of respite from the everyday hustle and bustle.


While Cafe Cubano is traditionally served in small shots known as “tacitas,” it can also be enjoyed in various other forms. Some prefer it as a base for specialty drinks like cortado or café con leche, while others savor it solo for its intense flavor and caffeine kick. Regardless of how it’s enjoyed, Cafe Cubano never fails to captivate the senses and leave a lasting impression.

Cafe Cubano is not just a beverage but a cultural symbol embodying the essence of Cuban identity and tradition. From its bold flavor to its sweet undertones, every aspect of Cafe Cubano reflects the richness and vibrancy of Cuban culture.


Cortadito is a favorite among coffee enthusiasts, offering a harmonious blend of bold espresso and silky steamed milk. Here’s a closer look at what makes Cortadito so special:

Preparation Process:

Cortadito, Cuban coffee with espresso, steamed milk, and sugar
Cuban Cortadito: Sweet espresso pick-me-up. ☕️

To prepare Cortadito, a shot of Cuban solid espresso, typically Cafe Cubano, is poured into a small cup. Then, an equal amount of steamed milk is added, creating a balanced ratio of coffee to milk. The steamed milk softens the intensity of the espresso, resulting in a smoother and more mellow flavor profile than traditional espresso shots.

Flavor Profile:

Cortadito boasts a rich and complex flavor profile characterized by notes of caramel, chocolate, and toasted nuts. The combination of espresso and steamed milk creates a velvety texture with a subtle sweetness, making it a comforting and indulgent treat. The creamy consistency of Cortadito adds depth and complexity to the overall flavor experience, enticing the palate with each sip.

Cultural Significance:

Cortadito is special in Cuban coffee culture and is often enjoyed as a morning or afternoon pick-me-up. It’s a popular choice among locals and tourists, offering a satisfying balance of caffeine and creaminess. Whether enjoyed solo or paired with a light snack, Cortadito embodies the essence of hospitality and warmth that defines Cuban hospitality.


While Cortadito is traditionally served as a standalone beverage, it can also be customized to suit individual preferences. Some may prefer it with a touch of cinnamon or a sprinkle of cocoa powder for added flavor, while others may opt for a decaffeinated version for a gentler caffeine boost. Cortadito never fails to delight the senses and uplift the spirits regardless of how it’s enjoyed.

Cortadito is more than just a coffee—it’s a sensory experience that evokes comfort, indulgence, and nostalgia. With its creamy texture, balanced flavor, and cultural significance, Cortadito continues to captivate coffee lovers worldwide, inviting them to savor the rich tastes and vibrant spirit of Cuban coffee culture.

Café con Leche

Café con Leche, translating to “coffee with milk,” is a cherished morning ritual in Cuban households and cafes. This classic beverage combines the bold flavor of Cuban espresso with the creamy richness of steamed milk, creating a comforting and indulgent drink. Here’s a closer look at what makes Café con Leche so unique:

Preparation Process:

Café con Leche: A mug of coffee with steamed milk, popular in Spain and Latin America.
Buenos días! ☕️ Café con Leche: Your smooth morning fuel.

Making Café con Leche is a simple affair. First, a rich espresso is brewed using finely ground dark roast coffee beans in a traditional machine. Next, steam hot milk to create a velvety texture. Finally, combine equal parts of the strong espresso and hot milk in a large cup or mug, creating a smooth and creamy beverage. The result is a harmonious blend of coffee and milk, with each sip offering a comforting and satisfying experience.

Flavor Profile:

Café con Leche boasts a rich and indulgent flavor profile characterized by the boldness of Cuban espresso and the sweetness of steamed milk. The espresso provides a robust and intense coffee flavor, while the milk adds a creamy and velvety texture, softening the edges and creating a balanced and well-rounded beverage. The combination of coffee and milk creates a delightful harmony of flavors, making Café con Leche a beloved morning staple.

Cultural Significance:

Café con Leche holds a special place in Cuban culture, symbolizing warmth, hospitality, and comfort. Many enjoy Café con Leche as part of a leisurely breakfast or a mid-morning pick-me-up. It offers a welcome moment of relaxation and indulgence during the daily grind. Whether enjoyed at home with family or shared with friends at a local café, Café con Leche brings people together and fosters connections through the shared experience of savoring a delicious cup of coffee.


Though traditionally enjoyed in its unadulterated state, Café con Leche lends itself to customization based on individual preferences. Adding a touch of sugar enhances sweetness, while a dash of cinnamon or a sprinkle of cocoa powder introduces a flavorful variation. Despite these potential modifications, Café con Leche retains its versatility as a canvas for personalization, allowing coffee lovers to tailor it to their preferences.

Café con Leche is more than just a beverage—it’s a cultural institution that embodies Cuban coffee culture’s warmth, hospitality, and richness. With its comforting warmth, creamy texture, and indulgent flavor, Café con Leche continues to captivate coffee enthusiasts worldwide, inviting them to savor life’s simple pleasures one sip at a time.


Colada is not just a coffee beverage; it’s a communal experience that brings people together to share moments of joy and connection. Here’s everything you need to know about this beloved Cuban tradition:

Preparation Process:

Colada coffee, strong Cuban espresso in a Styrofoam cup for sharing.
Colada! Strong Cuban coffee for friends. ☕️

The preparation of Colada utilizes the same method as Cafe Cubano, employing finely ground dark roast coffee beans brewed with sugar to yield a strong and sweet espresso base. However, a distinct characteristic of Colada lies in its communal serving style. For serving Colada, a larger container, often a small paper or Styrofoam cup, takes center stage instead of individual cups. This facilitates the enjoyment of small espresso shots by multiple people sharing the beverage.

Communal Sharing:

Designed for shared enjoyment amongst friends, family, and colleagues, Colada fosters a sense of community and camaraderie. Conversations and a quick caffeine boost are readily available to those who gather around a pot of Colada in workplaces, gatherings, and social events. The act of sharing Colada creates bonds and connections, strengthening relationships and creating lasting memories.

Social Interaction:

The communal nature of Colada encourages social interaction and fosters a spirit of generosity and hospitality. In Cuban culture, Ordering Colada isn’t just for oneself. It’s common to see someone order a pot for their colleagues or offer to buy a round for friends. The simple act of sharing coffee brings people together and promotes a sense of unity and togetherness.

Cultural Significance:

Cuban coffee culture warmly embraces Colada, a drink with deep roots. Moreover, it reflects cherished values like hospitality, community, and tradition. In essence, Colada becomes a symbol of generosity and warmth, embodying the spirit of Cuban hospitality and camaraderie. Whether enjoyed in a bustling cafe or shared among coworkers in an office, Colada represents the essence of Cuban culture and the joy of coming together over a shared love of coffee.

Colada is more than just a beverage; it symbolizes community, generosity, and connection. Colada coffee, characterized by its communal serving and bold flavor, is deeply woven into Cuban coffee culture as a way to connect. People gather around Colada, transforming these treasured celebrations into shared joy and camaraderie vessels. In turn, these gatherings become a cornerstone of Cuban social life.

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